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恶作剧报道(3 / 4)














“wow, what is this sayg, gd&039;s boss is nstipated, ebarrassg!”(哇,这是在说什么,gd的老板便秘,真尴尬!)

“western teachgs say that poor physical obstruction is the result of bad ck, and he t have done a lot of bad thgs”(西方的教义中说了,身体不通畅是厄运缠身的后果,他一定做了很多不好的事情)

“ fact, it is true, yang forced gd to work very hard, which is very huane”(事实上确实如此,yang强迫gd非常辛苦的工作,这是非常不人道的行为)

“i sugsted that gd ickly terate his ntract fro this pany that he has ore ti to run his own brand, and i need po to unch ore new products to save y borg ul!”(我建议gd快点从这个公司解约独立,这样他就有更多的时间去运营自己的品牌了,我需要po推出更多的新产品来拯救我枯燥的灵魂)

“gd&039;s talent is liitless, his artistry and ical attant are extrely precio pernal treasures, and we wee you to the united states and local srs for operation and exchan”(gd的才华是无限的,他的艺术性和在音乐上的造诣是极其珍贵的个人财富,我们非常欢迎你来到美国和当地的歌手进行合作交流)

“not arrangg a trip for gd europe and the united states is a hu loss for your pany, your korean ic arket is too narrow and borg, he needs to e to a ore csive pce to develop, are you right, yang?”(不给gd安排欧美的行程是贵公司巨大的损失,你们韩国的音乐市场太狭窄枯燥了,他需要来更包容的地方发展,你说对吗,yang?)

“if gd es, i will be happy like a deer jupg around if not, i will curse yang to be nstipated forever”(如果gd来的话我会高兴的像只乱跳的小鹿,如果不的话,那么我诅咒yang永远便秘好了)





